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Eco Schools

The schools are encouraging the next generation to suggest ideas for supporting nature recovery in our parish. 


About Eco Schools

The Sancroft Academy coursework for Art will include a project which focuses on environmental topics. In 2022 pupils and teachers repainted the wall on the Recreation Grounds. It evolved over the course of two days with a design focusing on leaves and foliage. This aligns well with the aspiration of promoting nature recovery within our parish.

Three Topics 

To achieve an Eco-Schools Green Flag schools, colleges or nurseries have to work on three of the Eco-Schools Ten Topics.


The topics chosen by Phase 1 of the Sancroft Academy are: biodiversity, litter and school grounds.


Sow to Grow

Conservation groups across the country and overseas have been established by groups of volunteers who are trying to provide the habitat for these wonderful migratory birds to breed.


Harleston is a swift friendly town and Harleston's Future set up Swift Action who have built and installed nest boxes on buildings throughout the town, even providing special speakers which broadcast swift calls to attract passing birds.

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