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Nature Recovery in Harleston – a community biodiversity initiative
Amid the global spotlight on the UN biodiversity conference taking place in Colombia, a new short film has been released. It showcases...

Rainbows and Brownies Replant Hedgerow at Church View
In a heart warming community effort, the Rainbows and Brownies recently teamed up with the Town Council Maintenance Team to replant a...

Have your say and help Norfolk make more space for nature
Norfolk County Council, along with 47 other local authorities, is working on a Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS) as part of a...

The Word is Out
South Norfolk Council have started a campaign to promote community driven nature recovery. This is based on the pioneering work of...

Big Garden Birdwatch
Big Garden Birdwatch is the world’s largest garden wildlife survey. Every year, hundreds of thousands of nature lovers take part, helping...

Community Nature Recovery goes District Wide
South Norfolk Council reinforced their support for nature recovery in passing a motion:

Celebrating Success
We held a Nature Recovery event on Saturday 21 October at St John's Church in Harleston to provide an update on what has happed to date...

The News is Out
News of 'Nature Recovery in Harleston' is spreading. The Trustees of the Friends of the Lower Derwent Valley Conservation Group and the...

The Ocean Lakes
For the last 50 years the local Harold Dean Charitable Trust has occupied the majority of ‘The Ocean’ a series of lakes, on the outskirts...

Volunteers for Nature
Volunteers scythed a section of the graveyard at Redenhall Church as part of 'Nature Recovery in Harleston'. The grass has been allowed...

Government Commitment
England is widely considered to be one of the most nature-depleted countries in the world following historic and ongoing declines. ...

Dimming the Night Light
Most of us are familiar with air, water, and land pollution, but did you know that light can also be a pollutant? The inappropriate or...

A Picture Paints a Thousand Words
Set up and run by a resident, The Ray of Sunshine Facebook page showcases the natural world as an antidote to the isolation felt by many....

Harnessing the Power in our Parishes
This is a preprint of an article by Ian Carstairs in the North Yorkshire Moors Association Spring Magazine Well, it’s all over the media....

Plant Your Pants
The Country Trust are running a fun free project. Between March and June 2023, Plant Your Pants aims for 10,500 children to get their...

Natural England and Harleston in Step
Andy Millar, Natural England senior advisor for nature recovery in Norfolk and Suffolk, joined our launch and gave his support for Nature...

Nature Recovery Launched
Nature Recovery in Harleston was officially launched on Saturday 11 March in St John's Church. There was a wonderful mobile of...

Pupils Sow Their Own Experimental Wildflower Meadow
Pupils at Harleston Sancroft Academy Primary Phase have sown wildflower seed in their own Nature Recovery experiment. An area of the...

Earth Trustee Certificate in Recognition of the Pupils Work
The Earth Society Foundation, New York, an international organisation promoting peace and care for the planet has awarded Harleston...

Children’s Butterfly Salute
Children’s butterfly salute launches run-up to the completion of Harleston’s Town centre upgrading celebrations and supporting Nature...
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